Partners and clients
In addition to many schools, we are proud to have been chosen
"Prova a farlo muovere". Robotics and tinkering workshops carried out at the Piaggio Museum in Pontedera and promoted by the Piaggio Foundation on the occasion of the exhibition "From Leonardo's Machines to Industry 4.0"
Educational Robotics course on Beebot, Tinkering, Scratch and Thymio for teachers of the IC Sacro Cuore of Livorno
Annual Robotics course for boys and girls of the primary and secondary school of the I degree of the Santa Caterina Institute of Pisa
Propaedeutics path to robotics and coding for kindergartens of the Paim Social Cooperative
Educational Robotics course for teachers promoted and organized by Dynamo Camp and Dinamo Academy
Robotics course for students of the Project Eccellenza in Milan
PON at the IC Franco Scchetti of San Miniato on Robotics and coding with Scratch
"Summer Campus Exp" . Weekly summer campus for secondary school students organized by the cultural association I Cavalieri of Pisa
Educational workshops and design and construction of a small Smart Irrigation System for the project "Coltiviamo il Futuro. In viaggio con Fin". Promoted by Findus and organized by ScuolAttiva onlus
Conference participation: "Connessi alla vita" . Organized by the Institute of Functional Psychology in Florence and aimed at psychologists, educators and teachers
Educational Robotics course for teachers of Volterra promoted and hosted by the International School of Higher Education (SIAF) of Volterra
Project "Un Robot in classe" within the "Scuola e Città" program organized by CRED Livorno for kindergarten and primary school teachers.
Educational partner of the second edition of the STEM4Future project promoted by Boeing Italy and organized by ScuolAttiva onlus
Participation in the Second International Robotics Festival in Pisa. Organization of Robotics competitions for children and teenagers.
Project "FIDUCIA" (Filo Diretto tra Scuole e Università: la ricerca in Classe) . Project carried out within the MIUR's "Initiatives for the diffusion of scientific culture" by the Biorobotics Institute and the Life Sciences Institute of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.
"Sulla Strada con i Robot". Robotics workshops carried out at the Piaggio Museum in Pontedera and promoted by the Piaggio Foundation
LEGO Wedo 2.0, mBot and tinkering course for IC Carrara e Paesi a Monte teachers
Project "Codifica e Robotica Educativa" within the "Scuola e Città" program organized by CRED Livorno for teachers and pupils of the kindergarten and primary school. We also organized of the final event.
Project "From LOGO ... to Robotics to learn by playing". Led by the L. Fibonacci Institute of Pisa. Tutoring in classes for the use of the LEGO Mindstorms robot.
Organization of the 1st edition of the RoboCup Jr Italia regional race which determined the Tuscan schools which then participated in the national finals.
Educational workshops and visits to the Institute of Bio-Robotics of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies for the requesting schools. The workshops were carried out both at the schools and at the Biorobotics Institute in Pontedera
"Costruiamo insieme la prima Vespa Robot". Robotics workshops carried out at the Piaggio Museum in Pontedera and promoted by the Piaggio Foundation
Participation in the First International Robotics Festival held in Pisa from 7 to 13 September 2017. Organization of Robotics Laboratories and shows "The Robots are (already) among us" and "My friend Robotolo"
Educational partner of the STEM4Future project promoted by Boeing Italy and organized by ScuolAttiva onlus
Organization of the interview with the robot Pepper (SoftBank Robotics) on the occasion of the annual assembly of the order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Venice , held in Mestre on 23/11/2017
"Il Piccolo Robot" Project within the "Scuola e Città" program organized by CRED Livorno for teachers and pupils of the kindergarten and primary school
"Robotics and Coding" course for teachers of the 1st Didactic Circle E. Solvay of Rosignano Solvay
Educational workshops for school groups and groups at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence in conjunction with the NeXus exhibition organized by the Museo Galilei in Florence, the Institute of BioRobotics and the University of Siena
Educational workshop held during the WAO Festival promoted by FabLab Toscana at the Technological Pole of Navacchio
Popular event "The Didactics of Robotics: have fun learning". Organized by the Gronchi library of Pontedera
Progetti svolti come Ist. di BioRobotica SSSA
Management of the second project Regional Network of Educational Robotics of the Tuscany region (2016-2018)
Management of the first project of the Regional Network of Educational Robotics of the Tuscany region
Pilot project with the Haring kindergarten in Pisa and in collaboration with the Stella Maris Foundation which then developed into the e-Rob project financed by the Telecom Italia Foundation
Memorandum of understanding with the municipality of Livorno as part of the SOS Lavoro project
Organization of the national RoboCup Jr in Pontedera (PI)
ACARISS regional project (2011-2013)
Pact of Educating Community in Valdera (2010-2015)